I developed one simple and useful component to extend Native Salesforce DatePicker. You all must aware of that we can't change Year list in datepicker and have to depend of salesforce native year list which is about -1 to +5 of current year. This is not useful on many situation like if i need to make one Date Of Birth field or any other date field where i need years range some high.
So i came up with simple component solution for this of your VF page. You simply need to include this in your VF page and use as following.
Sample Usage:
1) By using "lowerLimit" and "higherLimit"
<c:datepickerextend lowerlimit="10" higherlimit="15"/>
It will pick first year available in picker year list , for example 2010, and then add 10 earlier years to top of the picklist.
Same for higherLimit, it will pick last year available in picker year list, for example 2016, and then add 15 later years to bottom of the picklist.
2) By using "startYear" and "endYear
<c:datepickerextend startYear="1982" endYear="2020"/>
It will simply fill year list from 1982 to 2020.
1) Component Code: Download from here
2) jQuery Lib: Download from here and save in static resource as datepicker_extend (You can you any jquery lib instead)
3) Demo Usage Code: Download from here
Working online demo:
You can view one simple demo, used following code:
<c:datepickerextend lowerlimit="10" higherlimit="5"/>
Provide your feedback as always. Enjoy !!!
Aslam Bari